Documentación de ayuda 〉Versiones Antiguas de Direct Mail 〉Gestión de listas de correo 〉

Blacklisting an entire domain

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Este artículo de ayuda es para una versión anterior de Direct Mail.

From time to time we are asked if it is possible to blacklist entire domain names. For example, a customer may wish to blacklist everyone using an email address. In our conversations with customers, we have found that typically it is only those customers who are spamming or who are otherwise not following responsible email practices that ask for this feature. Please remember that spamming is not only ineffective, it hurts your email reputation for future mailings. Here is some more information:

If you have a legitimate reason to remove entire domain names of recipients from your list, the search bar in the top-right corner of the Direct Mail Project window can be used to filter your address list by domain name. After filtering, you can select and delete addresses you no longer want on your list.

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